sACN  2.0.1
Implementation of ANSI E1.31 (Streaming ACN)
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source_detector.h File Reference

sACN Source Detector API definitions More...

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Data Structures

struct  SacnSourceDetectorCallbacks
struct  SacnSourceDetectorConfig


 Constant for "infinite" when listening for sources or universes on a source.


typedef void(* SacnSourceDetectorSourceUpdatedCallback) (sacn_remote_source_t handle, const EtcPalUuid *cid, const char *name, const uint16_t *sourced_universes, size_t num_sourced_universes, void *context)
 Notify that a source is new or has changed.
typedef void(* SacnSourceDetectorSourceExpiredCallback) (sacn_remote_source_t handle, const EtcPalUuid *cid, const char *name, void *context)
 Notify that a source is no longer transmitting Universe Discovery messages.
typedef void(* SacnSourceDetectorLimitExceededCallback) (void *context)
 Notify that the module has run out of memory to track universes or sources.
typedef struct SacnSourceDetectorCallbacks SacnSourceDetectorCallbacks
typedef struct SacnSourceDetectorConfig SacnSourceDetectorConfig


void sacn_source_detector_config_init (SacnSourceDetectorConfig *config)
 Initialize an sACN Source Detector Config struct to default values.
etcpal_error_t sacn_source_detector_create (const SacnSourceDetectorConfig *config, const SacnNetintConfig *netint_config)
 Create the sACN Source Detector.
void sacn_source_detector_destroy ()
 Destroy the sACN Source Detector.
etcpal_error_t sacn_source_detector_reset_networking (const SacnNetintConfig *sys_netint_config)
 Updates the source detector system network interfaces. Also resets the underlying network sockets for the sACN Source Detector if it was created.
size_t sacn_source_detector_get_network_interfaces (EtcPalMcastNetintId *netints, size_t netints_size)
 Obtain the source detector's network interfaces.

Detailed Description

sACN Source Detector API definitions

Functions and definitions for the sACN Source Detector API are contained in this header.