sACN  2.0.1
Implementation of ANSI E1.31 (Streaming ACN)
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sACN: A Streaming ACN (sACN) implementation. More...


 sACN DMX Merger
 The sACN DMX Merger API; see Using the sACN DMX Merger API.
 sACN Merge Receiver
 The sACN Merge Receiver API; see Using the sACN Merge Receiver API.
 sACN Receiver
 The sACN Receiver API; see Using the sACN Receiver API.
 sACN Source
 The sACN Source API; see Using the sACN Source API.
 sACN Source Detector
 The sACN Source Detector API.
 sACN Configuration Options
 Compile-time configuration options for sACN.

Data Structures

struct  SacnMcastInterface
struct  SacnNetintConfig


 The maximum length of an sACN source name, including the null-terminator.
#define DMX_ADDRESS_COUNT   512
#define SACN_REMOTE_SOURCE_INVALID   ((sacn_remote_source_t)-1)
#define SACN_STARTCODE_DMX   0x00u


typedef uint16_t sacn_remote_source_t
typedef struct SacnMcastInterface SacnMcastInterface
typedef struct SacnNetintConfig SacnNetintConfig


enum  sacn_ip_support_t { kSacnIpV4Only , kSacnIpV6Only , kSacnIpV4AndIpV6 }


etcpal_error_t sacn_init (const EtcPalLogParams *log_params, const SacnNetintConfig *sys_netint_config)
 Initialize the sACN library.
void sacn_deinit (void)
 Deinitialize the sACN library.
sacn_remote_source_t sacn_get_remote_source_handle (const EtcPalUuid *source_cid)
 Converts a remote source CID to the corresponding handle, or SACN_REMOTE_SOURCE_INVALID if not found.
etcpal_error_t sacn_get_remote_source_cid (sacn_remote_source_t source_handle, EtcPalUuid *source_cid)
 Converts a remote source handle to the corresponding source CID.

sACN version numbers


sACN version strings

#define SACN_VERSION_DATESTR   "02.Mar.2022"
#define SACN_VERSION_COPYRIGHT   "Copyright 2022 ETC Inc."

Detailed Description

sACN: A Streaming ACN (sACN) implementation.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define DMX_ADDRESS_COUNT   512

The number of addresses in a DMX universe.


#define SACN_REMOTE_SOURCE_INVALID   ((sacn_remote_source_t)-1)

An invalid remote source handle value.



The maximum length of an sACN source name, including the null-terminator.

E1.31 specifies that the Source Name field must be null-terminated on the wire.


#define SACN_STARTCODE_DMX   0x00u

The DMX start code.



The per-address priority start code.



The build number.


#define SACN_VERSION_COPYRIGHT   "Copyright 2022 ETC Inc."

The version's copyright string.


#define SACN_VERSION_DATESTR   "02.Mar.2022"

The date this version was released (dd.Mm.yyyy).



The major version.



The minor version.



The patch version.



The version's product name.



The 4-digit version string.

Typedef Documentation

◆ sacn_remote_source_t

typedef uint16_t sacn_remote_source_t

A source discovered on an sACN network that has a CID - used by Receiver and Merge Receiver.

◆ SacnMcastInterface

typedef struct SacnMcastInterface SacnMcastInterface

On input, this structure is used to indicate a network interface to use. On output, this structure indicates whether or not the operation was a success.

◆ SacnNetintConfig

typedef struct SacnNetintConfig SacnNetintConfig

Network interface configuration information to give the sACN library. Multicast traffic will be restricted to the network interfaces given. The statuses are filled in for each interface.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ sacn_ip_support_t

This enum defines how the API module will use IPv4 and IPv6 networking.


Use IPv4 only.


Use IPv6 only.


Use both IPv4 and IPv6.

Function Documentation

◆ sacn_deinit()

void sacn_deinit ( void )

Deinitialize the sACN library.

Set the sACN library back to an uninitialized state. Calls to other sACN API functions will fail until sacn_init() is called again.

This function is not thread safe with respect to other sACN API functions. Make sure to join your threads that use the APIs before calling this.

◆ sacn_get_remote_source_cid()

etcpal_error_t sacn_get_remote_source_cid ( sacn_remote_source_t source_handle,
EtcPalUuid * source_cid )

Converts a remote source handle to the corresponding source CID.

[in]source_handleThe handle of the remote source.
[out]source_cidThe UUID of the source CID. Only written to if kEtcPalErrOk is returned.
kEtcPalErrOk: Lookup was successful.
kEtcPalErrInvalid: Invalid parameter provided.
kEtcPalErrNotFound: The source handle does not match a source that was found by a receiver, merge receiver, or source detector.
kEtcPalErrSys: An internal library or system call error occurred.

◆ sacn_get_remote_source_handle()

sacn_remote_source_t sacn_get_remote_source_handle ( const EtcPalUuid * source_cid)

Converts a remote source CID to the corresponding handle, or SACN_REMOTE_SOURCE_INVALID if not found.

This is a simple conversion from a remote source CID to it's corresponding remote source handle. A handle will be returned only if it is a source that has been discovered by a receiver, merge receiver, or source detector.

[in]source_cidThe UUID of the remote source CID.
The remote source handle, or SACN_REMOTE_SOURCE_INVALID if not found.

◆ sacn_init()

etcpal_error_t sacn_init ( const EtcPalLogParams * log_params,
const SacnNetintConfig * sys_netint_config )

Initialize the sACN library.

Do all necessary initialization before other sACN API functions can be called.

[in]log_paramsA struct used by the library to log messages, or NULL for no logging. If SACN_LOGGING_ENABLED is 0, this parameter is ignored.
[in,out]sys_netint_configOptional. If non-NULL, this is the list of system interfaces the library will be limited to, and the status codes are filled in. If NULL, the library is allowed to use all available system interfaces.
kEtcPalErrOk: Initialization successful.
kEtcPalErrInvalid: Invalid parameter provided.
kEtcPalErrSys: An internal library or system call error occurred.