sACN  2.0.1
Implementation of ANSI E1.31 (Streaming ACN)
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Using the sACN Source API

The sACN Source API provides a method for applications to transmit sACN data on one or more universes. This API exposes both a C and C++ language interface. The C++ interface is a header-only wrapper around the C interface.

Initialization and Destruction

The sACN library must be globally initialized before using the Source API. See Global Initialization and Destruction.

A source must first be created before it can be used to transmit sACN data. Each source has a name and a CID. These are specified in the source's configuration structure, along with other optional settings. Once the source's configuration is initialized, it can simply be passed into the source Create/Startup function. If the source Create/Startup function succeeds, that source's functionality will become available. In C, this is accessed with a source handle, whereas in C++ it's accessed through a Source object. A source can later be destroyed using the source Destroy Shutdown function.

EtcPalUuid my_cid;
// Assuming my_cid and my_name are initialized by the application...
my_config.cid = my_cid; = my_name;
sacn_source_t my_handle;
sacn_source_create(&my_config, &my_handle);
// To destroy the source when you're done with it:
The maximum length of an sACN source name, including the null-terminator.
Definition common.h:50
Definition source.h:102
etcpal_error_t sacn_source_create(const SacnSourceConfig *config, sacn_source_t *handle)
Create a new sACN source to send sACN data.
Definition source.c:103
int sacn_source_t
Definition source.h:56
void sacn_source_destroy(sacn_source_t handle)
Destroy an sACN source instance.
Definition source.c:218
Definition source.h:73
EtcPalUuid cid
Definition source.h:77
const char * name
Definition source.h:79

etcpal::Uuid my_cid;
std::string my_name;
// Assuming my_cid and my_name are initialized by the application...
sacn::Source::Settings my_config(my_cid, my_name);
sacn::Source my_source;
// To destroy the source when you're done with it:
An instance of sACN Source functionality; see Using the sACN Source API.
Definition source.h:61
etcpal::Error Startup(const Settings &settings)
Create a new sACN source to send sACN data.
Definition source.h:299
void Shutdown()
Destroy an sACN source instance.
Definition source.h:315
A set of configuration settings that a source needs to initialize.
Definition source.h:71

Adding and Removing Universes

A universe represents a destination for the DMX data being transmitted by a source. The receivers on the other end can choose which universes they want to listen on. Thus, universes allow for the organization of DMX traffic.

A source can transmit on one or more universes. Each universe has a configuration, which includes the universe number and other optional settings. Once you create this configuration, you can simply pass it into the Add Universe function. In this function, you can also specify specific network interfaces for the source to use for this universe. You can also indicate that all network interfaces should be used. When you're done transmitting on that universe, you can call the Remove Universe function.

uint16_t my_universe = 1; // Using universe 1 as an example.
my_universe_config.universe = my_universe;
SacnMcastInterface my_netints[NUM_MY_NETINTS];
// Assuming my_netints and NUM_MY_NETINTS are initialized by the application...
SacnNetintConfig netint_config;
netint_config.netints = my_netints;
netint_config.num_netints = NUM_MY_NETINTS;
// If you want to specify specific network interfaces to use:
sacn_source_add_universe(my_handle, &my_universe_config, &netint_config);
// Or, if you just want to use all network interfaces:
sacn_source_add_universe(my_handle, &my_universe_config, NULL);
// You can add additional universes as well, in the same way.
// To remove a universe from your source when you're done transmitting on it:
sacn_source_remove_universe(my_handle, my_universe);
Definition source.h:144
etcpal_error_t sacn_source_add_universe(sacn_source_t handle, const SacnSourceUniverseConfig *config, const SacnNetintConfig *netint_config)
Add a universe to an sACN source.
Definition source.c:261
void sacn_source_remove_universe(sacn_source_t handle, uint16_t universe)
Remove a universe from a source.
Definition source.c:349
Definition common.h:85
Definition common.h:102
size_t num_netints
Definition common.h:107
SacnMcastInterface * netints
Definition common.h:105
Definition source.h:112
uint16_t universe
Definition source.h:117

uint16_t my_universe = 1; // Using universe 1 as an example.
sacn::Source::UniverseSettings my_universe_config(my_universe);
// Assuming my_netints is initialized by the application...
// If you want to specify specific network interfaces to use:
my_source.AddUniverse(my_universe_config, my_netints);
// Or, if you just want to use all network interfaces:
// You can add additional universes as well, in the same way.
// To remove a universe from your source when you're done transmitting on it:
void RemoveUniverse(uint16_t universe)
Remove a universe from a source.
Definition source.h:418
etcpal::Error AddUniverse(const UniverseSettings &settings)
Add a universe to an sACN source, which will use all network interfaces.
Definition source.h:366
A set of configuration settings for a new universe on a source.
Definition source.h:108

The application can also obtain the list of universes that a source is currently transmitting on:

uint16_t *universes; // Points to an array with UNIVERSES_SIZE (perhaps SACN_SOURCE_MAX_UNIVERSES_PER_SOURCE) elements.
size_t num_universes = sacn_source_get_universes(handle_, universes, UNIVERSES_SIZE);
if(num_universes > UNIVERSES_SIZE)
// Not all of the universes were written to the array. The application should allocate a larger array and try again.
// The first num_universes elements of the universes array represent the complete list of universes.
size_t sacn_source_get_universes(sacn_source_t handle, uint16_t *universes, size_t universes_size)
Obtain a list of a source's universes.
Definition source.c:373

std::vector<uint16_t> universes = my_source.GetUniverses();
std::vector< uint16_t > GetUniverses()
Obtain a vector of this source's universes.
Definition source.h:428

Update Levels and Per-Address Priorities

At this point, once you have new data to transmit, you can use one of the Update functions to copy in the NULL start code or per-address priority (PAP) data that should be transmitted on the network. Assuming you didn't set the manually_process_source setting to true, the source thread will take care of actually sending the data. Otherwise, you'll need to call the Process Manual function at your DMX rate (typically 23 ms).

Please note that per-address priority is an ETC-specific sACN extension, and is disabled if the library is compiled with SACN_ETC_PRIORITY_EXTENSION set to 0.

// Initialize my_levels_buffer and (possibly) my_priorities_buffer with the data you want to send...
uint8_t my_levels_buffer[DMX_ADDRESS_COUNT];
uint8_t my_priorities_buffer[DMX_ADDRESS_COUNT];
// Now copy in the new data to send. Then the source thread will handle transmitting the
// data (unless you set manually_process_source to true in the SacnSourceConfig).
sacn_source_update_levels(my_handle, my_universe, my_levels_buffer, DMX_ADDRESS_COUNT);
// Or if you're using per-address priorities:
sacn_source_update_levels_and_pap(my_handle, my_universe, my_levels_buffer, DMX_ADDRESS_COUNT, my_priorities_buffer, DMX_ADDRESS_COUNT);
Definition common.h:55
void sacn_source_update_levels(sacn_source_t handle, uint16_t universe, const uint8_t *new_levels, size_t new_levels_size)
Copies the universe's DMX levels into the packet to be sent on the next threaded or manual update.
Definition source.c:804
void sacn_source_update_levels_and_pap(sacn_source_t handle, uint16_t universe, const uint8_t *new_levels, size_t new_levels_size, const uint8_t *new_priorities, size_t new_priorities_size)
Copies the universe's DMX levels and per-address priorities into packets that are sent on the next th...
Definition source.c:852

// Initialize my_levels_buffer and (possibly) my_priorities_buffer with the data you want to send...
uint8_t my_levels_buffer[DMX_ADDRESS_COUNT];
uint8_t my_priorities_buffer[DMX_ADDRESS_COUNT];
// Now copy in the new data to send. Then the source thread will handle transmitting the
// data (unless you set manually_process_source to true in the Source::Settings).
my_source.UpdateLevels(my_universe, my_levels_buffer, DMX_ADDRESS_COUNT);
// Or if you're using per-address priorities:
my_source.UpdateLevelsAndPap(my_universe, my_levels_buffer, DMX_ADDRESS_COUNT, my_priorities_buffer, DMX_ADDRESS_COUNT);
void UpdateLevelsAndPap(uint16_t universe, const uint8_t *new_levels, size_t new_levels_size, const uint8_t *new_priorities, size_t new_priorities_size)
Copies the universe's DMX levels and per-address priorities into packets that are sent on the next th...
Definition source.h:665
void UpdateLevels(uint16_t universe, const uint8_t *new_levels, size_t new_levels_size)
Copies the universe's DMX levels into the packet to be sent on the next threaded or manual update.
Definition source.h:638

Multicast and Unicast

By default, sources transmit DMX data over multicast. The destination multicast address is based on the universe number, therefore each universe's data goes to a different multicast address. However, sources can also transmit to one or more unicast addresses in addition to multicast. To add a unicast destination for a universe, call the Add Unicast Destination function. There's also a Remove Unicast Destination function. The universe configuration also has a send_unicast_only setting, which disables the transmission of multicast altogether. Once you change the unicast configuration, transmission suppression is reset and the newly added unicast destinations will have data transmitted to them.

// Unicast can be sent to one or more addresses, in addition to multicast.
EtcPalIpAddr custom_destination; // Application initializes custom_destination...
sacn_source_add_unicast_destination(my_handle, my_universe, &custom_destination);
// You can remove a unicast destination previously added:
sacn_source_remove_unicast_destination(my_handle, my_universe, &custom_destination);
etcpal_error_t sacn_source_add_unicast_destination(sacn_source_t handle, uint16_t universe, const EtcPalIpAddr *dest)
Add a unicast destination for a source's universe.
Definition source.c:406
void sacn_source_remove_unicast_destination(sacn_source_t handle, uint16_t universe, const EtcPalIpAddr *dest)
Remove a unicast destination on a source's universe.
Definition source.c:481

// Unicast can be sent to one or more addresses, in addition to multicast.
etcpal::IpAddr custom_destination; // Application initializes custom_destination...
my_source.AddUnicastDestination(my_universe, custom_destination);
// You can remove a unicast destination previously added:
my_source.RemoveUnicastDestination(my_universe, custom_destination);
void RemoveUnicastDestination(uint16_t universe, const etcpal::IpAddr &dest)
Remove a unicast destination on a universe.
Definition source.h:475
etcpal::Error AddUnicastDestination(uint16_t universe, const etcpal::IpAddr &dest)
Add a unicast destination for a universe.
Definition source.h:461

The starting set of unicast destinations can also be specified with the universe configuration's optional unicast_destinations setting.

The application can also obtain the list of unicast destinations that a universe is currently transmitting on:

EtcPalIpAddr *unicast_dests; // Points to an array with DESTS_SIZE (perhaps SACN_MAX_UNICAST_DESTINATIONS) elements.
size_t num_dests = sacn_source_get_unicast_destinations(handle_, my_universe, unicast_dests, DESTS_SIZE);
if(num_dests > DESTS_SIZE)
// Not all of the destinations were written to the array. The application should allocate a larger array & try again.
// The first num_dests elements of the unicast_dests array represent the complete list of unicast destinations.
size_t sacn_source_get_unicast_destinations(sacn_source_t handle, uint16_t universe, EtcPalIpAddr *destinations, size_t destinations_size)
Obtain a list of a universe's unicast destinations.
Definition source.c:516

std::vector<etcpal::IpAddr> unicast_dests = my_source.GetUnicastDestinations(my_universe);
std::vector< etcpal::IpAddr > GetUnicastDestinations(uint16_t universe)
Obtain a vector of a universe's unicast destinations.
Definition source.h:486

Custom Start Codes

The Update functions only allow you to send start code 0x00 (NULL) and 0xDD (PAP) data. If you want to send data for a different start code, you'll need to use the Send Now function to transmit that data synchronously.

uint8_t my_custom_start_code;
uint8_t my_custom_start_code_data[DMX_ADDRESS_COUNT];
// Initialize start code and data...
sacn_source_send_now(my_handle, my_universe, my_custom_start_code, my_custom_start_code_data, DMX_ADDRESS_COUNT);
etcpal_error_t sacn_source_send_now(sacn_source_t handle, uint16_t universe, uint8_t start_code, const uint8_t *buffer, size_t buflen)
Immediately sends the provided sACN start code & data.
Definition source.c:707

uint8_t my_custom_start_code;
uint8_t my_custom_start_code_data[DMX_ADDRESS_COUNT];
// Initialize start code and data...
my_source.SendNow(my_universe, my_custom_start_code, my_custom_start_code_data, DMX_ADDRESS_COUNT);
etcpal::Error SendNow(uint16_t universe, uint8_t start_code, const uint8_t *buffer, size_t buflen)
Immediately sends the provided sACN start code & data.
Definition source.h:600

sACN Sync

You can also configure synchronization universes for each of your universes using the Change Synchronization Universe function. Then the transmitted DMX data will include this synchronization universe, indicating to the receivers to wait to apply the data until a synchronization message is received on the specified synchronization universe. To send the synchronization message, call the Send Synchronization function. NOTE: sACN Sync will not be supported in sACN 2.0.0.

// You can also set up a synchronization universe for a universe.
// Receivers should hang on to the data and wait for a sync message.
uint16_t my_sync_universe = 123; // Let's say the sync universe is 123, for example.
sacn_source_change_synchronization_universe(my_handle, my_universe, my_sync_universe);
// Whenever you want the data to be applied, you can immediately send a sync message for your universe.
sacn_source_send_synchronization(my_handle, my_universe);
etcpal_error_t sacn_source_send_synchronization(sacn_source_t handle, uint16_t universe)
Indicate that a new synchronization packet should be sent on the given synchronization universe.
Definition source.c:780
etcpal_error_t sacn_source_change_synchronization_universe(sacn_source_t handle, uint16_t universe, uint16_t new_sync_universe)
Changes the synchronization universe for a universe of a sACN source.
Definition source.c:677

// You can also set up a synchronization universe for a universe.
// Receivers should hang on to the data and wait for a sync message.
uint16_t my_sync_universe = 123; // Let's say the sync universe is 123, for example.
my_source.ChangeSynchronizationUniverse(my_universe, my_sync_universe);
// Whenever you want the data to be applied, you can immediately send a sync message for your universe.
etcpal::Error ChangeSynchronizationUniverse(uint16_t universe, uint16_t new_sync_universe)
Changes the synchronization universe for a universe.
Definition source.h:577
etcpal::Error SendSynchronization(uint16_t universe)
Indicate that a new synchronization packet should be sent on the given synchronization universe.
Definition source.h:620

The initial setting for sync universe can also be specified with the universe configuration's optional sync_universe setting.

Changing Preview Flag, Universe Priority, or Source Name

The preview flag, universe priority, and/or source name can be changed at any time using the appropriate Change function. This will also update the data being sent on the network and reset transmission suppression.

// The preview flag, priority, and name can also be changed at any time:
const char* new_name = "Hello World";
sacn_source_change_name(my_handle, new_name)
uint8_t new_priority = 50;
sacn_source_change_priority(my_handle, my_universe, new_priority);
bool new_preview_flag = true;
sacn_source_change_preview_flag(my_handle, my_universe, new_preview_flag);
etcpal_error_t sacn_source_change_name(sacn_source_t handle, const char *new_name)
Change the name of an sACN source.
Definition source.c:168
etcpal_error_t sacn_source_change_priority(sacn_source_t handle, uint16_t universe, uint8_t new_priority)
Change the priority of a universe on a sACN source.
Definition source.c:554
etcpal_error_t sacn_source_change_preview_flag(sacn_source_t handle, uint16_t universe, bool new_preview_flag)
Change the send_preview option on a universe of a sACN source.
Definition source.c:615

// The preview flag, priority, and name can also be changed at any time:
std::string new_name("Hello World");
uint8_t new_priority = 50;
my_source.ChangePriority(my_universe, new_priority);
bool new_preview_flag = true;
my_source.ChangePreviewFlag(my_universe, new_preview_flag);
etcpal::Error ChangePriority(uint16_t universe, uint8_t new_priority)
Change the priority of a universe.
Definition source.h:530
etcpal::Error ChangePreviewFlag(uint16_t universe, bool new_preview_flag)
Change the send_preview option on a universe.
Definition source.h:553
etcpal::Error ChangeName(const std::string &new_name)
Change the name of an sACN source.
Definition source.h:339