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ETC Platform Abstraction Layer (EtcPal)
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netint.h File Reference


C++ wrapper and utilities for etcpal/netint.h.

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etcpal::Expected< std::vector< etcpal::NetintInfo > > GetInterfaces () noexcept
 Get a list of network interfaces on the system. More...
etcpal::Expected< std::vector< etcpal::NetintInfo > > GetInterfacesForIndex (NetintIndex index) noexcept
 Get a list of network interfaces that have the index specified. More...
etcpal::Expected< etcpal::NetintInfoGetInterfaceWithIp (const IpAddr &ip) noexcept
 Get the network interface that has the specified IP address. More...
etcpal::Expected< NetintIndex > GetDefaultInterface (etcpal::IpAddrType type) noexcept
 Get information about the default network interface. More...
etcpal::Expected< NetintIndex > GetInterfaceForDest (const etcpal::IpAddr &dest) noexcept
 Get the network interface that the system will choose when routing an IP packet to the specified destination. More...
etcpal::Error RefreshInterfaces () noexcept
 Refresh the list of network interfaces. More...
bool IsUp (NetintIndex index) noexcept
 Determine whether a network interface is currently up and running. More...