EtcPal  0.4.1
ETC Platform Abstraction Layer (EtcPal)
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EtcPalRbTree Struct Reference


A red-black tree.

Initialize using etcpal_rbtree_init() before carrying out any other operation on the tree.

Data Fields

 The root node of the tree.
EtcPalRbTreeNodeCmpFunc cmp
 A function to use for comparing two nodes.
size_t size
 The current count of nodes in the tree.
EtcPalRbNodeAllocFunc alloc_f
 A function to use for allocating a new node.
EtcPalRbNodeDeallocFunc dealloc_f
 A function to use for deallocating a node.
void * info
 User provided, not used by etcpal_rbtree.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: