sACN  2.0.1
Implementation of ANSI E1.31 (Streaming ACN)
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Building and Integrating the sACN Library Into Your Project


  • CMake >= 3.10. CMake is an industry-standard cross-platform build system generator for C and C++. CMake can be downloaded here. It is also available as a package in many Linux distributions.

Configuring sACN

sACN can be provided a configuration file called "sacn_config.h" when compiling to change its behavior. This is most applicable when compiling sACN for an embedded target; for non-embedded applications, the default compilation options are usually fine.

To provide an sacn_config.h when building sACN with CMake, pass its location using the SACN_CONFIG_LOC CMake option:

$ cmake -DSACN_CONFIG_LOC=path/to/folder/containing/sacn_config.h ...

If you are building sACN manually/without CMake, add the definition SACN_HAVE_CONFIG_H in your compile settings and add the sacn_config.h location to your include paths.

For a list of all possible options that can be included in the sacn_config.h file, see sACN Configuration Options.

Special Platform Configuration

Some platforms require special configuration considerations:

Including sACN in your project

Including sACN in CMake projects

To include sACN as a source dependency from a CMake project, use the add_subdirectory() command, specifying the root of the sACN repository, and use target_link_libraries() to add the relevant sACN include paths and binaries to your project settings.

# ...
target_link_libraries(MyApp PRIVATE sACN)

Including sACN in non-CMake projects

sACN can be built on its own using CMake and its headers and binaries can be installed for inclusion in a non-CMake project. Typical practice is to create a clean directory to hold the build results named some variation of "build".

NOTE: If you are cross-compiling and/or building for an embedded target, some additional configuration is necessary. EtcPal helps make this possible; see the EtcPal embedded build documentation for more details.

  1. Create the build directory:
    $ mkdir build && cd build
  2. Run CMake to configure the sACN project:
    $ cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=path/to/install/location path/to/sACN/root
    -G can be used to specify a build system; otherwise, CMake will choose a system-appropriate default. CMake also has a GUI tool that can be used for this, as well as plugins available for several editors and IDEs. CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX specifies where the final binaries and headers will go; if not given, they will be installed in a system appropriate place like /usr/local/include and /usr/local/lib on a *nix system.
  3. Use CMake to invoke the generated build system to build the sACN library:
    $ cmake --build .
    If you are generating IDE project files, you can use CMake to open the projects in the IDE:
    $ cmake --open .
  4. Use CMake's installation target to install the built binaries and headers. This usually shows up as another project called "INSTALL" inside an IDE or as a target called "install" (e.g. make install for a makefile generator). You can also do it manually from the command line in the build directory:
    $ cmake -P cmake_install.cmake